Didn't matter that it was my busiest making month of the year, that I was in the middle of an e-course, had an upcoming open studio and high school orientations to attend.
Nah... not too busy, She'll be right.
Well, in retrospect I did possibly over commit, but Somehow... god knows how...I managed to make the time to sit down and design/make some awesomeness for the first ever exhibition to be held at Gleaners.
I can't spoil the opening by showing you my offering, but I can invite you to come see for yourselves the duck extravaganza...

After the opening of 'Flight of the ducks' why not head down to the late night 'Sisters Market' at Brunswick town hall and then on to Olive Grove studios for our late night shopping....shops open till 9 Yay.
A night positively jam packed with handmade delights.
Might see you there.
Jay xx
Great post, Jay. Sharing now. ;o)