Finally got the Internet back up and running.
Started renting a new studio at Olive Grove so I could reclaim the dining room as a place that one might have friends over to eat in.....
and most exciting of all, with the help of little sis ........'Finki' has spread it's wings in to the world of fashion and started making clothes....
Not just any clothes.
Why plus size? Well to state the obvious ( but some of you, may not have met me) I'm a plus size gal.
I have been a size 20 for as long as I can remember. So rather than fight the continual fight of one day being skinny, I decided to make all the clothes I've ever wanted to wear, but haven't been able to as the mainstream fashion world stops at size 16.
The Finki fashion label goes from size 12- 20, but it is a plus size 12-20. So think more like the sizing you would find at My Size, City Chic or Autograph....not Supre' and the likes....
Who could resist, spots, ric rac and big red buttons.
Everything pictured is available in store now at 'Olive Grove studios' 159 Sydney rd, Brunswick, Vic.
Next on the cutting table is some body tee's, cardi's and dresses.....
Not to mention my first screen is good to go, so I'll have some screen printed clothes with 100% original Finki designs coming up real soon.
So, so exciting.
I'm just loving it all and my wardrobe is excited to see some color at last.....
I'll be back soon, to update you more on the house, the studio and life in general.