I'm making up for my time away by taking part in tinniegirls 7 days of loot glorious loot. (I'll have day fours offering for ye'all a little later)
For now, I need to show off some of my new products.
Locals would have had a sneak preview at the Thornbury market on the weekend, but for my interstate and international comrades........check these out.
Growing up I remember needing to cut up sticky tape, and egg cartons for sculptural masterpieces in grade 3. Now, as an 8 year old, my only thought when looking for tools of the trade where merely 'if it cuts, it'll do' I didn't know why mum's special scissors were any different to the orange handled ones I could never find. Well actually the one noticeable difference was the look on mums face when I got caught using the singer shears!!!! Runnnnn........
Now of course, I have become my mother in so many ways, especially imitating that look on my face if anyone.....anyone I tells yah, touches my special scissors. Ye'all know that you may as well forget about cutting chiffon if your tools of the trade have been cutting up egg cartons.
Oh, you know my other scissor problem. When I really really need them, they hide. Off with the odd socks I think.
So now a beautiful, funky and oh so useful scissor holder to hang on the wall behind your machine, safe and sound.
It would be silly of me to go to a Doctor or nutritionist when I know full well that I'm not drinking my water, that fruit and vegetables rot in the crisper whilst I chow down on chocolate and bread, glorious bread.
So yeah, major overhaul needed, to start putting the good things back in. First of I pulled out all the recipe books. 20 or more, I kid you not. All with little bit's of paper sticking out. So me thinks there's got to be a better way.
The recipe card holder was born. Now all your favourite recipes can be in one place. Doesn't take up much space on the bench and is categorised to easily find the one your after. Even better is the fact you can pull out the one card you need, and work off that instead of trying to balance a cook book on your little work space. The cards are lined so you can write up you own, but you could also glue on ones you'd cut out of a magazine.
Lastly on the stitching front is a range of store/loyalty card holders. Finally!!!
I have had my prototype in test mode for months now, and couldn't be happier.
I've learnt that my everyday cards must stay in my purse, think license, credit, debit and all the rest go in the holder. From the video, library and lay by cards to the big city chic, doctor and hairdressers cards. You can't believe how streamlined and lightweight my purse is now.
The holder comes with a hook and ring to attach it to your handbag inner or outer zip, so you don't need to go fishing around the bottom.
Keep posted for my next update on loot, glorious loot and tomorrow some more of my new products.
Nice work Jay, I look forward to seeing those nifty business card holders listed. I think I see some there that are 'my' colour!
ReplyDeleteI loved them at the market and I love them now! Well done on your 2-week creative frenzy.