Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What's a girl to put on her jugs...Blogtoberfest day 12

Well, a jug cover of course...

You weren't thinking of any other jugs were you!

With our Aussie summer fast approaching, we welcome the outdoor picnics,
B.B.Q's and the inevitable barrage of insects that come with dining outdoors.
Ti's perfect timing for some doily decor'.

So Mum...the crochet queen, has the stick out and on full speed to whip up an awesome range of jug covers for the shop. Perfect to keep bee's out of your homemade lemonade, crickets out of your pickles and jam's and possibly even just to make your picnics look darn cute.

Love them.
Jay xx


  1. They could double as pasties! Hmmm...there's an idea...crocheted burlesque wear...(from Julianne@ sister outlaws by the way...)

  2. Great post title! You certainly got my attention. Love the jug covers too.

  3. My nanna always kept a jug of milk in the fridge to bring out at morning tea time (rather than just the milk bottle) and she always had a crocheted jug cover on it. I don't think she made it, but it was always such a "nanna" thing to do.

    Thanks for the memory ;)


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