Saturday, October 1, 2011


Welcome to Blogtoberfest Y'all.

Ti's a month of bloggy overload, where we all try our darnedest to do a blog post a day.

The good the bad the ugly,
the craft, the cooking the lovely.

Ti's not an exclusive club, rather it's more the merrier.
If you wanna join in too, read more about it over at Tinniegirls blog,
the hostess with the mostess.

I look forward to going through the linky loo list each day and finding lots of new blogs to add to my list and I look forward to sharing a little more of my world too over the next month.
More then just my crafty hearty stuff, which is all consuming sometimes.

So cheers to you all on this rather wet first day of October, lets clink our glasses and toast a toast to kick off the beginning of a super month for everyone.

Jay xx

p.s For all my fellow Victorians, don't forget daylight savings starts tonight. Hooray.... I sure have been hanging out for our long summer nights xx


  1. Happy Blogtoberfest Jay - OMG your hair is STUNNING!!

    Look forward to a month worth of fun posts from new & old friends - I have been looking forward to this.

  2. Yay for Blogtoberfest Jay, and love, love, love that gorgeous photo of you. xxx


Thanks for taking the time to drop by. I'd love to hear from you and have the chance to discover your blog too, so drop me a line anytime (: